TODAY’s THE DAY!!!!!!: Charity Raffle Ticket Turn-In

Time to turn in those 2018 Knights of Columbus Ohio State Council Cash Bonanza Raffle tickets! The ticket and cash turn-in is before or during the Wednesday, April 4th 7:30 meeting at St Michael Church Hall.

You can also call Jim K at 330 507-7427 to turn in your ticket stubs and money. Or send a text!

And, you can place them in the K of C mailbox at church; it’s located in the small room across from the entrance to the St Michael offices.

If a Brother Knight needs more tickets, send an email.

See you Wednesday, April 4th, 2017, at St. Michael Church Hall where I hope we can make our goal of 850 tickets sold!

Last year, we sold 821 tickets.

This is a statewide raffle with 25 prizes. The drawing takes place on May 19th this year.

As has been a tradition for 70 years in Ohio with this ticket sale, all of the money remaining after prizes are awarded goes to charity.

We will have an update on ticket sales here on the website as soon as I send the tickets in.