Insurance Benefit Nights Set

Father Michael McGivney,  Parish Priest of St. Mary’s Church, New Haven, CT, formed the Knights of Columbus in 1882 out of concern for his Parish’s families and their futures.  He saw the need for a mutual aid society to provide for families when so many fathers and husbands fell ill, were injured or died under the difficult conditions of the time.  Wives, mothers and children then had no further means of support.  Father McGivney gathered the men of his Parish to form the Knights of Columbus, and together they began benefit programs to care for their families.

Since 1882, the Knights of Columbus have provided insurance and other benefits for our members and our families.  Since 1882, the Knights of Columbus have stood for charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.

The Knights of Columbus Conklin Agency,  Cranberry, PA, serving Councils in greater Pittsburgh, PA and eastern Ohio,  is sponsoring  two upcoming Insurance Benefit Nights.  These programs will be free virtual events presented by guest speaker Tom Hegna.  He is an award-winning author, speaker and economist.  He is considered by many as the “Retirement Income Expert”. 

Your local Knights of Columbus Council 11369, serving St. Michael Parish and Society of St. Paul Monastery,  invites all Catholics, all parishioners and all Brother Knights to register for one of these events.  Listed below are the scheduled Insurance Benefit Night dates, times and respective registration links. All attendees must register and provide the requested information. You may attend either event, but please register for one event only.

Pennsylvania Thursday October 15, 2020 at 06:30pm

Register at:

Ohio Wednesday October 21, 2020 at 07:30pm

Register at:

Please spend an hour with Tom Hegna to educate yourself about the importance of retirement planning.  His program benefits those working toward retirement and also those who have retired already.  If you have any questions, please contact David W. Roberts, Knights of Columbus Field Agent, at (330) 614-2063 or  To have either link e-mailed to you, please contact Victor Buente, Council 11369, by e-mail at, or by telephone or text at (330)509-5887.