Council Mourns Loss of Brother Msgr. William ‘Father Bill’ Bonczewski to COVID

We learned Wednesday night of the loss of our newest Brother Knight, Msgr. William Bonczewski, who passed away from complications related to COVID-19.

Here is a fitting tribute written by Brother Chris Brocious of our council 11369:

My Brothers,

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I inform you of the passing of our Brother, Monsignor William Bonczewski.

Funeral arrangements have not been made yet.  When I know more, I will let you know.

Msgr. Bill recently transferred to Council 11369 when he recently retired after over 40 years of service to Our Lord in the Priesthood.  He was also a 4th degree Sir Knight.

Please join me in a prayer from the Maronite Ginnaz (funeral rites) for a Priest:

O Lord, number your minister, William, among your tested just and the teachers of your truth who has passed away from the service of your holy mysteries and departed from the work of your spiritual vineyard.
May he offer praise to you in your heavenly Church, and exalt you in the company of your holy and exalted priests.
O Lord, our God, to you be glory, for ever. Amen.

Bro. Chris