All posts by Jim K

Council 11369 Provides Christmas Food to Beatitude House

Despite changing up the way we do our Holidays for the Hungry food program, certain recipients of food items over the years were still given main entree items for the Christmas table in 2021

K of C Council 11369 provided 55 roaster chickens to the Beatitude House in Youngstown.

Above, Sister Norma Raupple and “Sam” at Beatitude House are pictured receiving the frozen birds from GK Vic Buente.

They had received hams in the past, but in working with Operation Blessing, we are going with the food items they are providing each month.

Chickens also went to St Vincent de Paul and the Dorothy Day House in Youngstown.

Thanks to all the men who assisted on December 16.

Money and Supplies for Bella

K of C Council 11369 Grand Knight Vic Buente is pictured handing a $1000 check to Bella Women’s Center director Tia Ciferno.

The baby supplies seen in the background were donated at the council’s annual Christmas dinner at St Michael Parish Hall.

We love supporting Tia and the work she does to support Life here in the Mahoning Valley and beyond.

Council 11369 Passes out Winter Coats

As part of a new effort by our council, 20 new winter coats were given to those enjoying a meal at St Vincent de Paul soup kitchen in downtown Youngstown.

Council 11369 purchased the coats at our November meeting.

They’re also being given to Emmanuel House in Girard and the Dorothy Day house in Youngstown.

Knights Start New Food Effort, Assisting Operation Blessing

Nine Council 11369 members joined the crew involved with the monthly Operation Blessing food distribution at the Canfield Presbyterian Church on Thursday November 18th, helping to hand out canned items, frozen chickens, bread and more to 100 qualifying families.

We plan to continue this cooperative venture in place of our traditional holiday food drive, since the 35-year-old Operation Blessing has the contacts with both the needy and the suppliers to make a food pantry work.

Knights assist in loading frozen chickens for delivery to other other non-profit food organizations. We donated $500 to Operation Blessing for their surplus of frozen birds.

We unloaded trucks, packed chickens into plastic bags, and loaded food bags for distribution.

We also wrote a check for $1000, $500 as requested for new toys for a toy distribution at the church in December.

Knights assist in bringing in fresh bread for the food distribution,.

The other $500 went for a surplus of chickens, 100 of which Brother Knights delivered to Skip’s soup kitchen, Dorothy Day House and more.

Knights Quench Thirsts at Annual St Michael Picnic

About a half dozen Council 11369 members served up pop and water at the annual St Michael Parish Picnic on Sunday September 26.

Over 200 people attended this year, many coming to say “good luck” to Deacon and Brother Knight Tom Soich who is retiring.

Our new pastor Father Jon Lavelle was at the cotton candy stand, drawing plenty of attention as he got the chance to meet more parishioners.

And the weather was perfect!

(And thanks to professional photographer Fred Pullin for the picture)

Council Writes $1000 Check for Lebanon Aid

Council 11369 at our last meeting voted to give a thousand dollars in assistance to Christians living in Lebanon.

Pastor of the Basilica of Our Lady of Lebanon Shrine in North Jackson Msgr. Bill Bonczewski spoke to our members about the need there.

The basilica will even park a truck in the parking lot in October, looking for canned food, powdered milk, and other items.

Above, below the image of our founder Fr. Michael McGivney, GK Vic Buente hands a check for a thousand dollars to Msgr. Bill Bonczewski from the Basilica of Our Lady of Lebanon Shrine in North Jackson.

This, as FS Tom Moran looks on.

Perfect Weather for 2021 Council Picnic

The rain and thunder stayed away from the 2021 Council 11369 picnic.

And COVID-19 was at a safe enough distance.

So about a dozen members and their families enjoyed sausage sandwiches on the grill, burgers and Molnar’s corn on the cob at our annual picnic at Mill Creek Park.

We hit our usual pavilion at Chestnut Hill.

What a beautiful evening!

Thanks to our families for bringing desserts and side dishes.

And thanks Fr Matthew for the musical entertainment!

Council Picnic is Friday Aug 6

Bring your wives, children, grandchildren and more!

It’s the annual Knights of Columbus 11369 Picnic on Friday August 6 at 5 p.m. at the Chestnut Hill Pavilion at Mill Creek Park.

(It’s the same place we’ve been going to for a few years)

Each family, please bring a side dish or a dessert.

The council will provide sausage sandwiches, hamburgers and corn on the cob, as well as refreshments.

Father Matthew will provide a little sing-along entertainment too!

Please text Jim K if you can make it at 330 507-7427. (We need to have a count for the food, thanks)

Council Hosts Silver Rose Ceremony

The last stop for the Silver Rose in the Diocese of Youngstown was at the St Paul Monastery chapel on July 14.

K of C Council 11369 hosted a night of prayers and readings.

The prayer service is designed to promote the dignity of life, and the unity of the U.S., Canada and Mexico to that objective.

Worthy Grand Knight Vic Buente picked up the Silver Rose from Geneva Council 5286 and Ed Kurzanski along Route 87 in Ashtabula County.

Next it goes to the Diocese of Steubenville.

Council Provides Food Assistance Year Round

In the spirit of our late FS Andy Skrobola, K of c Council 11369 continues to provide for the hunger needs of our community.

Brother Mike Vince has established a relationship with the Emmanuel Community Care Center in downtown Girard.

Emmanuel provides food, clothing and assistance with rent and utilities to those in need in Girard.

Mike brings food and other items to the center regularly.

In the photo, he is seen with volunteers bringing in food items from Gleaner’s Foodbank in Youngstown.

Thanks Mike for your continued great work!