All posts by Jim K

Council Reaches Cash Bonanza Ticket Goal

With the May turn-in of 583 sold tickets, Council 11369 surpassed its goal of selling 1130 tickets for the annual Cash Bonanza statewide raffle.

Total tickets sold was 1157.

45 Brother Knights with the council sold tickets.

Brother Chris Brocius led the way with an amazing 167 sales.

Miros Maszczak was next at 129, with Pete Rich at 83.

Miros and Pete served as ticket sales co-chairmen, and we appreciate all the work they put into this campaign.

This makes 17 years in a row that the council surpassed its goal, which is set at ten tickets per member.

Great job Brother Knights!

It means more funding for another year’s worth of the charity work that we do.

Council Donates to Fraternal Wheelchair Initiative

Council 11369 decided at its last meeting to send $1500 to the American Wheelchair Mission as part of the K of C Wheelchair Sunday program.

The American Wheelchair Mission is a non-profit organization with a goal to deliver brand new, free wheelchairs and mobility aids to physically disabled children, teens and adults throughout the world who are without mobility or the means to acquire a wheelchair.

The American Wheelchair Mission continues to change the lives of entire families with the gifts of hope, dignity, freedom and independence.

Council Matches Brother’s Contribution for Meals for Front Line Workers

K of C Council 11369 matched a donation by one of our Brothers, giving assistance to the fish dinners that the Our Lady of Lebanon National Shrine in North Jackson has been providing for our front line COVID workers.

FS Tom Moran challenged the council at the March 3 Zoom meeting to match his $500 donation, and the council responded with a unanimous ‘yes”!

Shrine Rector Chorbishop Anthony S Spinoza thanked the council for the contribution.


Ticket Turn-In Deadline Fast Approaching

Sunday, April 10th is the date to have sold raffle ticket stubs and money into Miros.

That goal of 1130 tickets seems large, but this council has reached that goal of 10 tickets per member for the last 16 years.

You can also call Miros at 330 540-0383.

Or send him an email.

His address is:

Miros Maszczak

1520 Fox Den Ct.

Canfield, OH 44406

And thanks for selling those tickets!

Super Cash Bonanza Offers Prizes, Opportunity to Help With Charitable Work

Most Council 11369 members should have their allotment of 2021 Super Cash Bonanza state raffle tickets by now.

If you don’t have them, email Miros Maszczak or call him at 330 540-0383.

Our goal to maximize the program is 1130 tickets sold.

We can get as much as $4.50 back from every $5 ticket by selling those 1130 tickets.

Last year we sold 1169 tickets.

But with pandemic limitations, the council had to purchase 205 tickets to meet the same 1130 goal.

The first turn-in is April 10.

Ticket stubs and checks (made out to K of C Council 11369) should be sent to ticket co-chair Miros Maszczak at: 1520 Fox Den Ct., Canfield, OH 44406.

Charitable monies will go to our food ministry efforts and other regular charitable gifting, including monies to St Michael Parish and St Paul Monastery.

There are 25 great cash prizes, with the drawing on May 22.

If you are not a Knight and wish to purchase a ticket, email or call Miros.

If you are interested in joining our organization, click this link.

Knights Make for Free Coffee, Treats on Sunday Before Start of Lent

Seven Brother Knights took part in the council’s first-ever Drive-Thru Coffee and Donuts event after the 9 a.m. Mass at St Michael Parish on Sunday February 14th, the Sunday before the start of Lent.

We estimate we had 70 customers who drove up to the south doors of the parish hall, where they were handed the treats in their cars in a very safe way.

Even the two dozen paczkis we ordered were a hit: we handed them all out!

Thanks to Father Terry for letting us do this.

It was a small undertaking, but it brought a lot of joy to us and our fellow parishioners in these difficult times.

Here’s the email from Worthy Grand Knight Vic Buente:

Brother Knights:  “Hats Off!” to Brother Knights Jim K. and Miros for leading the Coffee and Doughnuts Drive Through after 9 o’clock Mass last Sunday at St. Michaels, and thanks to Brother Knights Dr. John Esarco, Mark Curtis, Ron Roman and Paul Kalosky for helping out.  We saw many smiling faces, young, old and in between, and we were able to say, “Courtesy of the Knights of Columbus”.  We should do it again, maybe next month.  Thank you all!  Vivat Jesus!  Brother Vic

Council Plans Drive-Thru Coffee and Donuts for Feb 14

Remember coffee and donuts after the 9am Mass at St Michael?

The Knights are bringing it back in a pandemic-safe way on Sunday February 14 after the 9am Mass.

We will line up cars at the south entrance to the church complex; those are the double doors going into the parish hall.

We will also serve that pre-Lenten favorite, the paczki.

It’s all free!!

PGK “Gus” Rogus 1938-2020

Our council was saddened to learn recently of the December death of Past Grand Knight Edward “Gus” Rogus.

Gus had contracted COVID-19 according to his family, and died on December 16, unable to spend the Christmas holiday with family.

Still, daughter Mary tells us he is in a better place now, having been ill for some time.

Gus led our council for several years in the mid-2000s, but actively participated for many years afterward.

We remember his untiring efforts standing outside St Michael parish selling raffle tickets, or outside the doors at Giant Eagle collecting food for the needy.

The family plans a memorial event at St Michael in the spring or summer, and the K of C hopes to be an active part of that.

God bless you Gus Rogus, and our sympathy to your family.