All posts by Jim K

Register Here for June 15 7:30 p.m. Virtual Fraternal Benefits Seminar

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You are invited to join our free virtual webinar featuring Ed Slott.
Ed specializes in the latest retirement planning strategies and
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Council Receives ‘Star Council’ Recognition

Grand Knight Vic Buente happily accepted the Star Council award from DD John Mashiska and the Knights of Columbus fraternal organization at Council 11369’s meeting in May.

The council met its membership and insurance member goals for the fraternal year.

And activities in areas like faith, family, youth and life satisfied the requirements for Star Council.

We gladly accept the award, but know it motivates us to continue doing the good works needed to fulfill God’s plan for us.

Two Brother Knights Added to Chapter Hall Of Fame

Two very active Brother Knights in Council 11369 were added to the Youngstown K of C Chapter’s Hall of Fame at the annual dinner on Saturday April 23, 2022 at the Immaculate Heart of Mary event center in Austintown.

4th Degree Brother and Father Matthew Roehrig is a founding member of our council, and currently serves as our Chaplain, having been away for several years in Staten Island serving the Society of St Paul.

“Father Matt” has been a great blessing to our group, providing monthly spiritual guidance and keeping us updated on the “guys” at St Paul in Ellsworth Twp.

Father could not be with us due to health reasons.

We look forward to his return.

3rd Degree Brother Mark Curtis was also inducted into the Chapter Hall of Fame.

Talk about a tireless worker.

Brother Mark is one of Council 11369’s trustees, and helps keep our heads on straight when it comes to spending money.

But his many hours of volunteer work at both the St Paul Monastery and the Dorothy Day House in Youngstown earned him serious consideration for admission.

That, and his participation in nearly every activity of the council has been a blessing to us.

In the image above, Mark is seen with his wife Karen, DGK Miros Maszczak and GK Vic Buente.

Congratulations to Father Matt and Mark, and thanks for the great turnout by the council.

Council 11369 members and wives at the Chapter Hall of Fame dinner

It’s always good to see our religious brothers from St Paul at our events!

Father Terry Hazel 1949-2022

Our council learned of the passing of Father Terry Hazel, pastor emeritus of St Michael Parish, around noontime on Saturday, thanks to GK Vic Buente.

Here is the notice from the parish website:

With great sadness, we, at Saint Michael Parish, announce the passing of our beloved pastor emeritus, Father Terry Hazel, from this life into the joys of eternal life.

Arrangements for visitation hours and a Mass of Christian Burial are as follows:

CALLING HOURS: Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 4:00–7:00pm; Evening Prayer to follow at 7:00pm – Saint Michael Parish, Canfield, OH

MASS OF CHRISTIAN BURIAL: Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 11:00am – Saint Michael Parish, Canfield OH

Please keep Father Terry and the Hazel family in your prayers. Father Terry often concluded funeral homilies by reminding us that no one dies alone, someone always comes to welcome you. In thanksgiving, we praise God for his gracious welcome of Father Terry into the Kingdom, and for the loving smiles of his parents and siblings who were there to welcome him home.

In addition, Bishop David Bonnar will be the main celebrant at the Mass of Christian Burial.

Pastor Father John Lavelle also announced at weekend Masses that the gymnasium inside the Family Life Center will soon bear Father Terry’s name.

And the Father Terry Hazel Endowment Fund will soon become a reality, supporting those efforts important to him and our parish during the 23 years of his leadership.

Father Lavelle also foresees the Wednesday of each Holy Week becoming “Hazel Wednesday”, with his passing occurring as we enter the most important week on the church’s calendar.

Super Cash Bonanza Turn-In Date Fast Approaching

Brother Knights should have received their 2022 Super Cash Bonanza raffle tickets by now.

They are due to Worthy GK Vic Buente by Sunday March 27, in order to make it to the state team on time.

Tickets are five dollars.

Make checks payable to “Knights of Columbus 11369”.

Vic’s address is: 3920 Tyler Drive, Canfield, OH 44406

Thanks for buying and selling tickets Brother Knights!

Knights Honor Father Edmund for His Years of Priestly Service

Calling hours are Friday and funeral Saturday for Pauline Father Charles Edmund Lane, who died Monday morning at St Elizabeth Medical Center in Boardman

Father Edmund regularly said the 7 a.m. Sunday Mass at the St Paul Monastery until becoming ill last June.

Here’s a link to his Vindicator obituary, including his 63 years of Pauline life, 57 as a priest.

We extend our condolences to all the priests and brothers of St Paul Canfield, many of them our brothers as well.

Here are the services:

Chapel of St. Paul Monastery – Ellsworth OH

VIGIL: 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
ROSARY: 7:30 pm

FUNERAL 11:00 am followed by lunch in the Hall

Knights Lend Hand at Operation Blessing Food Distribution

Five Brothers from Council 11369 assisted with the distribution of food to at least 50 families at the Canfield Presbyterian Church on February 17.

Operation Blessing has been a Canfield food pantry for 35 years now, and the council is happy to join with them as part of our “feed the hungry” mission espoused for so many years by the late FS Andy Skrobola.

We hope to assist Operation Blessing every third Thursday as they hand out canned goods, packaged items and some fresh products like bread and more.

The plan on March 17 is to distribute hams in time for Easter.

We note that even though the pantry operates out of the Presbyterian church, it is a separate entity, with people of many Christian faiths playing a role.

Council 11369 Joins Austintown Councils Again With ‘Into the Breach’

We will be doing our February ‘Into the Breach’ presentation and discussion again at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church at 4490 Norquest Blvd in Austintown on Thursday, February 17 at 7:00 p.m. 

We appreciate Council 3930 opening their doors to us for this program.

Brother Knights from St. Joseph Parish and Council 13977 are expected to join us as well.

This was a successful joint council effort back in January.

Council Mourns Loss of Brother Msgr. William ‘Father Bill’ Bonczewski to COVID

We learned Wednesday night of the loss of our newest Brother Knight, Msgr. William Bonczewski, who passed away from complications related to COVID-19.

Here is a fitting tribute written by Brother Chris Brocious of our council 11369:

My Brothers,

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I inform you of the passing of our Brother, Monsignor William Bonczewski.

Funeral arrangements have not been made yet.  When I know more, I will let you know.

Msgr. Bill recently transferred to Council 11369 when he recently retired after over 40 years of service to Our Lord in the Priesthood.  He was also a 4th degree Sir Knight.

Please join me in a prayer from the Maronite Ginnaz (funeral rites) for a Priest:

O Lord, number your minister, William, among your tested just and the teachers of your truth who has passed away from the service of your holy mysteries and departed from the work of your spiritual vineyard.
May he offer praise to you in your heavenly Church, and exalt you in the company of your holy and exalted priests.
O Lord, our God, to you be glory, for ever. Amen.

Bro. Chris