All posts by Jim K

Mooney, Ursuline Receive Scholarship Fund Donations from Council

Brother Mike Vince recently delivered checks to Ursuline and Cardinal Mooney High Schools.

These checks were destined for each school’s scholarship fund.

It’s Council 11369’s first effort at properly distributing the funds brought in with our merger with the Fr Gallagher council.

Pictured above is Bro Mike turning over a check to Administrative Secretary Ms Korenic at Ursuline.

Next to the headline, Mike is seen handing a check to Mrs Kalasky at Mooney.

Measure Up Funds Distributed

Council 11369 Grand Knight Vic Buente recently presented a check for $200 to the Superintendent of the Mahoning County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Bill Whitaker.

Bill told us the funds would go to building a new playground at the Leonard Kirtz School.

This was part of the proceeds from our $500 participation in Measure Up for 2022.

Though we did not have a particular fundraising event, we took other charitable money fropm ticket sales, etc. to participate.

Another $200 check will go to the Down Syndrome Association of the Mahoning Valley.

The state takes 20% for our participation in Special Olympics.

New Billboard Signage on I-680

K of C Council 11369 is proud to unveil the newest signage on our Right to Life Billboard on I-680 between the Midlothian Blvd and Route 224 exits.

These two new signs facing both north and south were a cooperative effort.

Right to Life Mahoning County donated $750 toward the cost or producing the signs.

And the Knights council at St Luke Parish donated $400 for sign installation.

The billboard is on the property of St Luke’s.

After being designed in Arizona, the signs were made by Bud’s Sign Company of Youngstown.

The billboard was constructed entirely by Council 11369 at a cost of $32,000.

Council Serves Pancakes, Sausage at St Michael

K of C Council 11369 served up 300 pancakes and nearly as many sausage links in the St Michael Church Hall on October 2nd.

We served from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., adding coffee and juice to the menu.

There was no cost, but donations were accepted.

It was great to see about 20 Knights (sorry, I lost count) on hand to assist in the effort.

Thank you Father Lavelle for letting us do this.

And thanks to Brothers Mark, Pete and Mike for organizing it.

Knights Quench Thirsts at Annual St Michael Picnic

Nine Knights were part of the effort to serve ice-cold bottles of water at the annual St Michael Parish Picnic on the front piazza of the church on September 11.

We started setting up at 9:30 for the 12noon event.

It was great to have new member Jacob join us!

We also provided a recycling bin for parishioners to drop their empties.

We look forward to providing the service each year.

Knights Work to Move, Reopen St Paul Store

Several members of Council 11369 have been busy the last few months, helping the Society of St Paul in Canfield move its bookstore from Boardman Township to the Society’s location in Ellsworth Township.

There was the hauling of inventory down Rt 224, and the cleaning, painting, and new lighting in the store’s former location.

What has become of this location is a beautiful retail setting, with books, CDs, DVDs, devotional materials, rosaries, medals, Bibles and much more.

Knights members participated in the blessing by Youngstown Bishop David Bonnar of the new store (see above photo) on August 20, with the doors swinging open on August 22.

Here are the summertime store hours:

Monday-Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Sunday 9 to 12noon, before and and after the 10 a.m.

30 Turn Out for Annual Picnic

Council 11369 Knights with their wives and even some other family members made it 30 people attending the annual picnic in the beautiful Chestnut Hill Pavilion in Mill Creek Park on Friday August 5.

And what a great turnout from St Pauls: Father Matthew, and Brothers Dominic, Marco, Joe, Gus and John.

Thank you Father for the musical entertainment.

Brother Joe Skebo and his wife Kay brought son Joe and his wife Jody from Georgia.

And great to have the Kutsko clan, with four kids on the playground equipment!

It rained at 4 p.m., but remained dry for the festivities.

We enjoyed sausage sandwiches, burgers, corn on the cob from Molnar’s, and great side dishes and desserts from our Knights families.

It was a great time!

Dozen-Plus Attend Silver Rose Service

Over 12 brother Knights, most from Council 11369, attended the Silver Rose Service at the St Paul Monastery chapel on Wednesday July 13th.

They are pictured above with the brothers of St Paul as well as Fr Matthew, our presider.

We prayed the Rosary, prayed to Mary, and listened to the words of Fr Matthew.

The Silver Rose traveled next to a Canton council, as it makes its way around the country.

GK Vic Buente is seen above, receiving the Silver Rose from GK Neil Durbin of the Fr Maruskin Council 10936 in Stow, at Route 46 and I-80.

There’s more at this link on the Silver Rose program.

Save Date Friday Aug 5 for Council Picnic

Council 11369 will have its annual picnic at Mill Creek Park on Friday August 5th.

Festivities will be at the same place: the Chestnut Hill Pavilion from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

As you are driving into Youngstown on Canfield Road, make a left at the first park road, just before the bridge over the creek.

The shelter is on the left.

The council will provide burgers, sausage sandwiches and delicious corn on the cob.

Please bring either a side dish or a desert.

Let GK Vic or Jim K know if you are coming.