All posts by Jim K

St Paul, 11369 Brothers Join for Anniversary Event

Several Council 11369 brothers joined the priests and brothers of the St Paul Monastery as well as the Friends of St Paul in celebrating the recent 25th anniversary of the religious profession of Brother Joshua Seidl.

Here is Brother Marco’s account of the event from the St Paul website:

(Click here for the full story)

Tuesday, August 15, Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, was a day of celebration for the Canfield (Ohio) religious community.

During the Holy Mass presided over by Father Matthew Roehrig, provincial councilor, of the new province of Mexico-Cuba-USA, the 25th anniversary of the religious profession (1998-2023) of Brother Joshua Seidl, was celebrated.

Particularly felt during the Holy Mass was the moment of the renewal of vows in front of the altar.

All together we recited: “I offer myself to this Society with all my heart, so that with the grace of the Holy Spirit, and though the intercession of blessed Mary, Queen of Apostles, and of St. Paul the Apostle, I may attain perfect charity in the service of God and the Church. Amen”.

After the celebration, in the community refectory, the volunteers of the “Friends of St. Paul” group who have long represented support for the confreres and their apostolate set up a moment of celebration with decorations and refreshments.

A moment of joy, hope, and encouragement for the new challenges that await our beloved Province.

K of C Picnic is Friday Aug 4

Hope you can make the annual Council 11369 picnic on Friday August 4.

It’s at Mill Creek Park and the Chestnut Hill Pavilion (same as usual) starting at 5 p.m.

We’ll serve up the burgers and sausage sandwiches.

I’ll supply the corn on the cob.

If you could bring a dessert or side dish, one per family.

Please call me (Jim) at 330 507-7427 if you can make it.

Always a great time!

Knights Assist at St Paul Cookout

Council 11369 Knights helped the St Paul Monastery and Friends of St Paul celebrate the feast day of St Paul.

The local Paulines celebrated on Sunday July 2nd.

Five brother Knights assisted in setting up the tent.

That picture taken on Saturday the 1st was the last time we would see sunshine that weekend.

About 60 attendees enjoyed a Cookout lunch inside.

Another five Knights helped with cooking and other tasks as needed.

K of C to Assist With St Paul Feast

Council 11369 will join in and work the Feast of St Paul Cookout and Potluck Picnic on the grounds of St Paul Monastery on Sunday July 2.

The event will take place after the regular 10 a.m. Mass.

Those attending should bring a covered dish based on the first letter of their last name:

A-I: side dish

J-Q: salad dish

R-Z: dessert

The Society of St Paul and Friends of St Paul will provide hamburgers, hot dogs and sausage sandwiches, as well as beverages.

There will be games, tours, and the presentation of the Rosary Garden.

Knights will help set up tables and chairs on Saturday and assist where needed on Sunday.

Knights Sell Cash Bonanza Tickets

Our final turn-in of tickets and money for the 2023 Cash Bonanza Charity Raffle was May 12, and Council 11369 turned in 563 tickets.

The council immediately benefits by making $1351.20, or $2.40 for each $5 ticket.

And selling 4 tickets per member and other incentives that were made means a rebate check as well.

Winning tickets are being drawn the weekend of May 19-21 at the state convention in downtown Columbus.

Thanks all brother Knights who sold tickets.

And thanks to Fr Lavelle and Fr Matthew for letting us sell at St Michael and St Paul.

New St Paul Meeting Room for Knights

Council 11369 has moved into its new meeting room at the St Paul Monastery in Ellsworth Twp.

As seen above, this room behind the St Paul Bookstore is the perfect size for our meetings, with a capacity of 35.

Great thanks goes to Brother Dan Coulter for redoing the room from ceiling to floor, including new chairs and even a small refrigerator for those after-meeting refreshments.

Thanks too to those Brother Knights who assisted in his efforts.

And thanks especially to Father Matthew, Brother Joshua and everyone at St Paul, where the room can be used for any Knights or St Paul purpose.

Council 11369 Hosts 3rd Degree

There are three new 3rd degree members of the Knights of Columbus because of a 3rd Degree Exemplification held at the St Paul Monastery chapel on February 26.

Eric Barrett of Canfield has joined the Knights and is now a member of Council 11369.

Albert Lotz III is joining Salem council 1818 as a brand new Knight.

And Dan Coulter was a 2nd Degree 11369 member who has now advanced to the 3rd Degree.

We thank Father Matthew for allowing us to use the chapel, participating as our Chaplain, and giving the exemplification great promotion during the 10 a.m. Mass, preceding the program.

I believe it was the first exemplification at St Paul since 2004, and the team performed well.

Check Dave’s Column Monthly

Our K of C insurance representative Dave Roberts has been a real blessing for Council 11369.

In addition to regularly attending meetings and other activities of the council, did you know he writes a monthly column for our website under “Insurance Corner”?

You’ll find valuable information there designed to give your family peace of mind, when it comes to financial matters.

Thanks and God bless Dave for being such a great insurance guy, and keep the monthly columns coming!

Christmas Dinner Well Attended

About 35 Knights, their wives and several Pauline Brothers attended the annual Christmas dinner of Council 11369.

This year it was held during the true season of Christmas on January 4.

Members paid $15 per person with pasta, chicken. fish, and more cooked up by Lariccias.

Thanks to GK Vic Buente and Treasurer Miros Maszczak and their wives Holly and Theresa respectively for providing for the salad, cake and snacks.

GK Buente gave a report on the council’s 2022 activities, thanking everyone for their hard work.It was an enjoyable night for all.

And Father Matthew gave the blessing and regaled us in Christmas song for the holiday.

Council 11369 Assists Dorothy Day House in Time for Christmas

in the above picture, GK Vic Buente is seen handing a $500 check from K of C Council 11369 to Dorothy Day House of Youngstown volunteer Mary Grace Manning.

It’s part of a $2000 annual effort by the council to continue our long tradition of feeding the needy that began with our Holidays for the Hungry campaign.

The mission behind the Dorothy Day House is a more personable outreach to those needing food and shelter, especially homeless families.