All posts by Jim K

Tickets, Money Due May 2nd at Council Meeting

The Wednesday May 2nd, 2018 regular council meeting is THE LAST DAY to turn in your sold Ohio Super Cash Bonanza Charity Raffle tickets for 2018. Please bring them to the meeting at 7 p.m. at St Paul Monastery on Route 224 in Ellsworth Township. If you don’t already know, we are in the back of the building, so pull around back and go through the CTNY doorway.

And THANKS for selling this year and helping us max out the program!

Council Surpasses Top Raffle Sales Goal

Thanks to our Brother Knights selling plenty of Cash Bonanza Charity Raffle tickets, Council 11369 has met its 10-ticket-per-member goal, with the largest first turn-in ever.

The council turned in 745 tickets this week. As a council, we did have to purchase 19 tickets to put us over the 740 ticket goal (with 5 tickets to spare, to be safe). This is permissible, if the names of members are placed on the tickets. In our case, we wrote in Fr. Terry and Fr. Matthew.

With the above purchase at $95, the council will receive another $300 in rebates.

More on the amount of money the council will be receiving later, but at 740 tickets, we get 90% back from each $5 ticket.

Of course there’s a second turn-in at the May 2nd council meeting in the St Paul Conference Room. So keep selling ’em, if you’ve got ’em!

And thanks again for your hard work!!

TODAY’s THE DAY!!!!!!: Charity Raffle Ticket Turn-In

Time to turn in those 2018 Knights of Columbus Ohio State Council Cash Bonanza Raffle tickets! The ticket and cash turn-in is before or during the Wednesday, April 4th 7:30 meeting at St Michael Church Hall.

You can also call Jim K at 330 507-7427 to turn in your ticket stubs and money. Or send a text!

And, you can place them in the K of C mailbox at church; it’s located in the small room across from the entrance to the St Michael offices.

If a Brother Knight needs more tickets, send an email.

See you Wednesday, April 4th, 2017, at St. Michael Church Hall where I hope we can make our goal of 850 tickets sold!

Last year, we sold 821 tickets.

This is a statewide raffle with 25 prizes. The drawing takes place on May 19th this year.

As has been a tradition for 70 years in Ohio with this ticket sale, all of the money remaining after prizes are awarded goes to charity.

We will have an update on ticket sales here on the website as soon as I send the tickets in.

2018 Cash Bonanza Charity Raffle Campaign Underway

It’s time to sell and buy those Cash Bonanza Charity Raffle tickets!

Brothers in our St Michael/St Paul Knights of Columbus council, #11369, have received their tickets for the 2018 campaign, with a goal of selling at least 850 tickets.

Last year, we sold 821 tickets.

Here are the complete results from the 2017 Cash Bonanza campaign.

This is a statewide raffle with 25 prizes. The drawing takes place on May 19th this year.

As has been a tradition for 70 years in Ohio with this ticket sale, all of the money remaining after prizes are awarded goes to charity.

Council 11369 had the highest return rate in the Diocese of Youngstown last year, getting an average 88.2% of the money back for our charitable purposes.

That’s $4.41 back from each $5 ticket, to buy over 200 Christmas hams for Canfield and Ellsworth Twp. families as well as for clients with the Dorothy Day House, Rescue Mission, St. Vincent de Paul, and other Youngstown-area non-profit organizations.

We support other non-profit organizations and charitable efforts as well, like our two churches and the Right to Life billboard on I-680.

The money also helped install the new interior lighting in St Michael Church.

Even the remaining 11.8% in money we hand over to the state K of C organization goes to charity, in part.

After paying out prize monies, there are funds at the state level left over for Christmas gifts for the nearly 200 Ohio seminarians.

There’s also money provided at the state level to the Matching Funds program, which provides money for educational materials available at the library facility at the diocese offices in downtown Youngstown.

These materials are also available for use in our Catholic churches and schools.

Plenty to be proud of here, plus there are CASH PRIZES!

If you are a 11369 brother and did not receive your tickets, please email us.

Or if you are visiting our site, please email us as well; we’ll send you as many tickets as you’d like!

(If clicking on the above does not work for you, please right click, “copy email address”, and paste into your email address line.)

Or call 330 507-7427.

If you need additional tickets, please call or email.

Brothers are responsible for selling or buying the tickets provided to them.

The ticket turn-in deadline the April 4th meeting at the St Michael Church Hall in Canfield at 7:30.

Before that, you can place sold tickets and cash in the K of C mailbox across from the main door to the offices at St Michael Parish.

Checks should be made out to “Knights of Columbus 11369” or “Knight of Columbus”.

Men: Are You Ready to Accept the Challenge?

Did you know you can now join the Knights of Columbus online?

Our communities need strong Catholic men to answer the call to lead with faith, protect our families, serve others and defend our values.

For over one hundred years, the Knights of Columbus has done exactly that, standing up for the Church, serving the least among us, and strengthening our parishes and families.

Eligible Catholic men can now join the Knights of Columbus online in a simple, streamlined process.

As a member, you join a worldwide community of nearly two million men who stand together.

Men have a duty to lead, protect, serve and defend.

The world needs more committed, unified Catholic men to answer the call.

Will you answer?

Visit the K of C fraternal membership page to learn more about the many benefits of membership in the Knights of Columbus.

Five from Canfield Participate in K of C Regional Free Throw

Council 11369 thanks all the young people who participated in the Knights of Columbus Regional Free Throw Championship in Garrettsville on February 24.

Caitlin Guy, Ava Milligan and Ryleigh Koren participated for the girls.

Ryleigh was the alternate for Kaylie Harmon.

And Michael Lefoer and Jake DeLisio competed for the boys.

The state championship is March 17 in Columbus.

Ryleigh and Jake may be there.

They are alternates for the winners in their respective age groups.

Knights Selling Lenten Soups at St. Michael

What to eat, now that it’s the Lenten season!

The Knights of Columbus council at St Michael Parish has the answer.

For those quick Friday dinners or a lunch treat at work, K of C 11369 is selling quarts of frozen soup on Ash Wednesday, Thursdays following Stations of the Cross, and on selected Sundays after Masses.

They are $8 and $10, with much of the money going for our charitable purposes.

And, of course, these are meatless soups, perfect for those Fridays or any day during Lent.

The soups are being made right here in the kitchen at St. Michael, using a quality restaurant-style stock used at Youngstown area restaurants.

Buy and enjoy!

Knights, Parishioners Update Lights at St Michael

Four Knights of Columbus Council 11369 members along with other parishioners from St Michael Parish updated the ceiling lights inside the church in the early part of November.

The council agreed to rent the equipment to reach the ceiling, while a generous parishioner who wished to remain anonymous donated the LED bulbs.

It took several days, but Father Tery Hazel wasa thrilled that the church is bright with light once again.

Some of the bulbs along the ceiling had been burned out for years, and one of the fixtures had recently fallen off the ceiling and was hanging by the electrical wires, necessitating an emergency repair.

All the fixtures were checked to be sure they’re safe.

The ceiling lighting is critical for the church during 4:30 Saturday Mass during the months of November, December and opart of January, when it’s dark after dismissal.

Council Gives Charity Monies to St Michael, St Paul

Council 11369 recently wrote two checks for $545 each to St Michael Parish and the Society of St Paul.

Each check represent approximately 15% of the net proceeds of Charity Raffle sales for 2017.

Above, Fr. Matthew Roehrig at St Paul’s accepts a check from GK Miros Maszczak and DGK Vic Buente.

Fr. Roehrig is a charter member of council 11369, just recently transferred back to Ellsworth.

Here are the final results from the 2017 ticket campaign:

Goal: 700 tickets (10 per member)
Sold: 821 tickets!! (11.7 per member)
Gross Dollar Sales: $4105.00 ($5 per ticket)
Council share initially: $1970.40 (2.40 per ticket)
Rebate Check: $1608.50
Total Charitable Monies for Council: approx. $3578.90
Total per ticket for council: $4.36 of each $5 ticket. (87.18% return)
Remember, even a portion of the STATE money goes to charity. Matching Funds, Christmas gifts for local seminarians, etc.
Participation: 36 members! We reached another goal of having at least 35 salesmen. We’re up from 21 from last year.