All posts by Jim K

Website Adds Monthly Insurance Column

We’re excited at council 11369 to add a regular monthly feature to our website.

Our field agent Dave Roberts will be writing a monthly column on the order’s insurance offerings and much more related to the financial and Catholic aspects of our lives.

Click here to see Dave’s August column, and look for “Insurance Corner” on the bar at the top of the home page.

Thanks for that Dave, and thanks for helping so many of our Brother Knights!

Council Cooks Pancakes, Raises $1000 for Seminarian

Knights of Columbus Canfield Council 11369 would like to thank all St Michael parishioners and friends who attended the June 2nd Breakfast in the Parish Hall.

Their support and generous donations generated over $700.

A $1000.00 check was presented to our “Adopted Seminarian” William Wainio From St Angela Merici Parish in Youngstown.

William has finished his philosophy classes at John Carroll University and will begin his theology classes this fall at the St. Mary’s Seminary in Cleveland.

He’s an Ursuline High graduate.

William’s uncle Thomas Wainio is one of our brother Knights and a St Michael parishioner.

The Knights of Columbus stand in solidarity with our priests and religious.

This program is part of the “Faith Alive” (RSVP) initiative supported by K of C Supreme in New Haven Connecticut.

Through this program, council and parish families can raise funds to help support seminarians in their area.

In addition to financial support, councils are called to aid their “adopted” seminarian with moral and emotional support.

We ask everyone for prayers for their vocation and vocations throughout the church.

As the strong right arm of the church, the Knights of Columbus is committed to providing moral, financial and spiritual support to future priests and religious at all stages of their formation.

Final Cash Bonanza Ticket Sales Figure: 1296!!!

With a final turn-in of 71 sold tickets, Council 11369 blows the lid off our record year of Super Cash Charity Bonanza Raffle tickets sales, with a final tally of 1296 tickets.

It’s also a record in terms of the number of Brother Knights selling tickets, with an amazing 51 ticket sellers this year.

Part of that increase comes from our new brothers from council 3144.

With this amazing sales effort, the council looks to make about $5700 this year.

Our rebate check will come in August or September.

Thank you Brother Knights, and thanks to Fr. Matthew and Fr. Terry for allowing us to sell at our churches.

Thanks also to Fr. Peter Polando for letting us sell at St Columba Cathedral.

Some other notable accomplishments:

Top seller: Brother Paschal, 173 tickets! Wow!

Biggest percentage sales increase: Brother John, from 3 to 32 tickets! (Way to go Brother)

Best newbie: Brother Jonathan Rotunno, 22 tickets (thanks for the efforts at St Columba Jonathan!)

Old reliable: Joe Geiser of Oolitic Indiana: 50 tickets (We miss you Joe)

He called me to get the tickets!: Dante De’Angelo, 30 tickets. (Thanks Pat and Dante, the tickets were in my car!!)

Kids and Adults Enjoy Ellsworth Pancake Breakfast

About 250 people enjoyed the Pancake and Sausage Breakfast at the Ellsworth Township Administration Building on May 5th.

Brothers from Council 11369 cooked up the breakfast and made everyone feel welcome.

Goodwill donations were accepted for the Ellsworth Fire Department, who also assisted in getting food and drink on the table.

All the proceeds went to the fire department.

The council did make money on placemat advertising.

Knights, Ellsworth FD Combine for Pancake, Sausage Breakfast

Our Knights Council and the Ellsworth Fire Department are sponsoring a Pancake and Sausage Breakfast on May 5th.

Pictured above are several brother Knights and Ellsworth firefighters and township officials.

Here’s the news release we’re sending out:


The Knights of Columbus Council 11369 in Canfield and Ellsworth Township will be cooking pancakes, sausage and more in support of the Ellsworth Fire Department on Sunday, May 5, 2019 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the township administration building.

The public is welcome. Donations will be accepted at the event, with all proceeds going to the department.

The administration building is at 6036 S. Salem-Warren Road, just north of the Routes 45 and 224 intersection in Ellsworth.

The council appreciates all the fine work the department does for its Brothers who reside at St. Paul Monastery, as well as for all residents of Ellsworth Township, also providing mutual aid to neighboring townships.

UPDATE: Make It 1225 Tickets for Cash Bonanza First Turn-In!!

UPDATE: As we write the check and prepare the paperwork for the State Cash Bonanza Charity Raffle, we now have 1225 tickets in hand for the first-turn in!!

That’s about 300 tickets higher than our best total ever, with another month to go!

So keep selling tickets if you have them.

ABSOLUTE final turn-in is at the May 1st meeting at St Paul’s on Route 224 in Ellsworth Township.

For the first turn-in, Brother Paschal leads the way, selling 151 tickets!

Special thanks to Father Matthew Roehrig at St Paul for giving a big push for ticket sales there.

And thanks to Father Peter Polando for allowing us to sell outside St Columba.

Thanks for all your hard work!!

Charity Raffle 2019 Getting Underway

Most of our Council 11369 brothers have received their allotment of Cash Bonanza Charity Raffle tickets for the 2019 campaign.

The tickets sell for $5 each; you can buy them or sell them.

If you are a Brother Knight who has not received tickets or you would just like to buy a ticket, click here.

If you have sold tickets you would like to turn in, click here.

We will make selling opportunities available at the two churches; check your email or check back here at the website.

Cash or a check must accompany any tickets turned in. You can make checks payable to Knight of Columbus 11369.

You will get credit for sales based on the number on your tickets.

The deadline to turn in sold tickets is the April 4th council meeting at St Michael Church Hall.

As our council grows, the 10-tickets-per-member goal grows too; that’s where we cash in on all the rebates in the program. At 80 members, we must sell over 800 tickets this year. We sold 811 last year, so let’s shoot for 900! 1,000?

Thanks for your hard work in the past, and let’s make it another great campaign!

K of C, Other Food Drive Organizations Celebrate Successful Event

Here is the press release the Andy Skrobola Memorial Food Drive committee sent to the Canfield Town Crier and Vindicator Neighbors section, following another successful year:

Canfield, OH, January 7, 2019 – Another Andy Skrobola Memorial Holiday Food Drive has come to an end, and it was an overwhelming success.

More food than ever was collected in the city and township back in November.

It was also a record year for cash donations. $4,000 was donated so that the Lions Club could purchase turkey vouchers as well as additional food for our community’s needy families.

50 families consisting of at least 150 people were fed for a week at both Thanksgiving and Christmas. In addition to the food donated and purchased, they received a turkey voucher for Thanksgiving and a ham for Christmas.

The annual holiday food drive is a combined effort of the Canfield Lions, the Knights of Columbus, Canfield Community Care Net, Canfield Rotary and the Canfield High School Leos Club. (The Leos Club is the youth organization of the Lions, with 150 members at Canfield High School.)

Thanks to the Canfield residents who filled grocery bags with non-perishable food and other items. The Lions, Leos and Knights dropped bags at 4,500 area homes, and picked up many of the filled bags.

The Lions purchased the turkey vouchers, the K of C bought the hams, Community Care Net provided food vouchers, and the Rotary Club provided winter coats.
$1000 in funding remains for food vouchers to be distributed during the Easter season.

Thanks to all, especially the community, for making this worthwhile endeavor possible.

Landscaping Updated at Unborn Memorial

A number of Knights of Columbus brothers recently took part in a project to enhance the landscaping at the Memorial to the Unborn, on the property of the St Paul Monastery on Route 224 in Ellsworth Twp.

After the older trees and shrubs were removed during the summer with the help of St Paul’s great “neighbors”, new bushes, trees and perennials were planted, like a weeping cherry tree.

The project included removing some of our famous clay-filled soil and adding topsoil and a little peat.

Future plans call for adding a bench and realigning the brick walkway.

We especially thank Dan Stout’s brother Gerald from Wisconsin who spent part of his vacation time working the project.

The memorial is right next to the often-visited St Anthony chapel, just off 224.