All posts by Jim K

Council gives money to churches

Council 11369 met for its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 3 at the St Michael Parish Hall.

The council votes to give $600 each to St Michael Parish and the Society of St Paul. These are proceeds from our Charity Raffle from last year.

We sincerely thank the priests and brothers of the Society for the use of the Conference Room for our meetings, for the food drive and for storage of our supplies.

We greatly appreciate Fr Terry Hazel for letting us sell raffle tickets, greeting cards and more at St Michael’s.

The council also voted to give $200 to the Bella Pregnancy Help Center in Warren.

Members committee working to add 50

Seven members of the council 11369 membership committee met on Saturday Jan. 16 at Ernie’s house to talk about adding members.

Miros conducted the meeting. He says the goal is to add 50 members by July 4.

Miros distributed a list of about 75 potential members who we would contact about the organization. The names were divided among those present.

Ernie suggests we endeavor to have those members who should be paying dues and are not paying to be contacted. Given those who may have financial constraints, Jim K questioned whether the entire council should deal with that or just a smaller committee.

Ernie says the council will hold a dance in the spring. This would be another way to contact potential new members.

Miros also passed out material on contacting potential new members.

A reminder to all members: Form 100 membership documents are near each of the doors and in the K of C mailbox in the mail room at St Michaels.

Gearing up for 2016

Knights of Columbus Council 11369 held its first meeting of the new year on Jan. 6 in the St. Paul Conference Room.

There was plenty of discussion about fundraisers and getting new members.

Thanks to brother Ron for providing the pizza and other refreshments.

Next meeting: Wed. Feb. 3, 2016 in the St Michael Parish Hall. Doctor John will provide the goodies.