All posts by Jim K

Council’s 2016 Cash Bonanza Results

Goal: 690 tickets (10 per member)

Sold: 800 tickets!! (11.6 per member)

Gross Dollar Sales: $4000.00 ($5 per ticket)

Council share initially: $1920.00 (2.40 per ticket)

Rebate Check: $1548.50

Total Charitable Monies for Council: $3468.50

Total per ticket for council: $4.34 of each $5 ticket (86.7% return)

Remember, even a portion of the state money goes to charity. Matching Funds, Christmas gifts for local seminarians, etc.

Participation: 21 members sold tickets. Down from 24 last year and 28 the year before. We need to do a better job here.

Thanks to Fr Terry Hazel and Fr Tony B for allowing us to sell outside St Michael’s and St Paul’s.

Council Members Enjoy Clergy Night

K of C Council 11369 participated in the Greater Youngstown Chapter Clergy Night at the Croation Home in Youngstown.

It happened Saturday, October 15, 2016.

10 members from our council attended.

The food was wonderful and the fellowship even better!

Fr. Jeff Mickler (left) and Fr. Melvin Resnak at Ckergy Night 2016.
Fr. Jeff Mickler (left) and Fr. Melvin Resnak at Clergy Night 2016.

Council Meets Sept. 7 at St. Paul Conference Room

K of C Council 11369 meets Wednesday, Sept. 7 in the St. Paul Conference Room on Rt. 224 in Ellsworth Twp.

Rosary will be led by Brother Paschal at 7:15, with the business meeting to follow.

There will be discussion on the upcoming Family Life Center clambake and the church picnic.

Also, we will decide how much of our charity raffle proceeds to give to the churches.

See you there!

Council picnic is Friday, August 12

The annual council picnic is Friday, August 12, 2016 at the Chestnut Hill Pavilion at Mill Creek Park.

Just bring a side dish or dessert for each family and plan to arrive at about 5 p.m. The council will provide burgers, sausage and corn on the cob.

We will also have coffee, pop and water.

We have the pavilion until 9 p.m., but it usually gets dark a little sooner.

There’s a large field for games and a terrific playground, so bring the kids and grandkids.

Pete R will be the man in charge, with some of our new members manning the grill.

To get to the pavilion, take Route 62 toward Youngstown. Make a left at the first park road, just before driving over the bridge. Chestnut Hill is the first pavilion, on the left.

Let Jim K know if you can make it. Call 330 507-7427.

Cash Bonanza State Raffle 2016 Figures


Goal: 690 tickets (10 per member)

Sold: 800 tickets!! (11.6 per member)

Gross Dollar Sales: $4000.00 ($5 per ticket)

Council share initially: $1920.00 (2.40 per ticket)

Anticipated Rebate Check: $1600.00

Estimated Total Charitable Monies for Council: $3520

Estimated Total for council: $4.40 of each $5 ticket (88% return)

Remember, even a portion of the state money goes to charity. Matching Funds, Christmas gifts for local seminarians, etc.

Participation: 21 members sold tickets. Down from 24 last year and 28 the year before. We need to do a better job here.

Sales Leaders:
Pete Rich 99
Miros Maszczak 96
Joe Geiser 88
Brother Paschal 79
Gus Rogus 78
Ray Multari 69
Ernie Zavoral 53

Thanks to Fr Terry Hazel and Fr Tony B for allowing us to sell outside St Michael’s and St Paul’s.

(Thanks to Brother Pete Rich for attending the State Convention and snapping a picture of the raffle as it happens. C’mon guys, pull a Council 11369 winner out of there!!!)

K of C Spring Fling is a success, more dances planned

The feedback has been positive on the first K of C Spring Fling at the St. Michael Family Life Center on Friday, May 6.

About 60 people attended the event, with about a dozen Knights of Columbus members setting up, tending bar, working the door, and otherwise having a good time.


Here is what Grand Knight Vic Buente had to say afterward:

"You can be proud of yourselves for a first try at this event. We did not have the attendance we wanted, but everyone there enjoyed themselves. We know what to do next time out."

For $15, guests were able to dance the night away with DJ “Little Anthony” from 7 until 10 p.m. There was plenty of pizza, pop, water, snacks, desserts and a cash bar.

A financial report on the event is forthcoming.

Council 11369 surpasses goal with raffle ticket sales

Another Cash Bonanza state charity raffle sale is in the books. K of C Council 11369 sold 800 tickets for the 2016 campaign.

The drawing is Saturday, May 21 at 9:30 a.m. at the state convention at Kalahari Resorts in Sandusky.

There are 25 prizes. The top prize is $49,680, or $414 paid each month for a period of 10 years.

Thanks to the 21 Brother Knights who sold tickets this year.  That number has been dropping the past few years and is something we need to work on.

Thanks also to churchgoers at St. Michael Parish in Canfield and St. Paul Monastery in Ellsworth Twp. for purchasing so many of our tickets.

And this is a CHARITY raffle. At 800 tickets, the council will net over $3500 for its charitable purposes. The state organization also designates some of its proceeds for charity.

A full financial report and a list of top sellers will be available at the June 1st meeting at St. Paul.

Knights prepare for Spring Fling dance on May 6

K of C Council 11369 got together plans for the group’s Spring Fling dance at St Michael Family Life Center on Friday, May 6 from 7 to 10 p.m.

Tickets are $15 each and are available from any Knights member.  Proceeds will help benefit the annual Andy Skrobola Memorial Food Drive.

There will be pizza and munchies with music by DJ Little Anthony. There will also be a cash bar.

Also, at the April 6 meeting, we learned more about our participation in the first annual St Michael Clambake on Sept. 17, also at the Family Life Center. All proceeds help pay down the FLC mortgage.

After the meeting, we enjoyed food provided by Dr. John. Thanks Doc!

Grand Knight presents $600 check to Father Terry

During the 9 a.m. Mass at St Michael Parish on Sunday, March 6th, GK Vic Buente went to the ambo and presented a check for $600 from Council 11369.

This was 15% of the net proceeds from the 2015 Cash Bonanza Charity Raffle.

Afterward, we snapped a picture of Vic presenting the check to our pastor, Father Terry Hazel, in the sacristy after Mass.

We thank Father Terry for letting us sell tickets at the Masses and continue to ask what we can do to help the church.

Super Cash Bonanza raffle underway

Keep selling those tickets! Our first turn-in deadline rapidly approaching. It’s the Wednesday, April 6th meeting at St Michael Parish Hall at 7:15.

Even though there’s another ticket deadline later, we max the amount of money we get back if you turn in your tickets on or before April 6th.

Send an email if you need someone to pick up your sold ticket stubs and money.


This is our council’s major fundraiser for charity.

Last year we made over $4,000 by selling these tickets.

We sold 919 tickets, the most ever by this council. We got back 87.8% of each $5 ticket for use in our charitable endeavors.