All posts by Jim K

Council Raises Over $800 at St Michael for Measure Up

It’s believed to be the biggest one-day collection ever for Measure Up for Council 1139. We collected $811 at the three Masses at St Michael Parish this weekend.

We are so thankful and continue to be amazed at the generosity of our St Michael’s parishioners. May God bless you for being so giving.

We will combine this money with the Gimme Five campaign funds collected as part of dues payments at the beginning of the year, and forward it to the State Council.

The state will keep 20% for state Special Olympics. We have designated the 80% local share to Golden String, the Youngstown-based non-profit that provides recreational opportunities for developmentally disabled adults and children.

Funding was expected to go to the farm the organization operates on Route 224 in Coitsville. Each day, about 50 adults and children learn and work with the animals at the farm.

We have had larger collections in the past when we were permitted to stand outside the Yager’s and Giant Eagle stores for our two-day collections.

We’re glad the St Michael community is there for us for this great cause.

Measure Up is April 29, 30

The weekend of April 29 and 30 is Measure Up weekend at St. Michael Parish.

Members of the council will stand outside the doors, collecting money for the developmentally disabled. This year, 80% of the money will go to Youngstown-based Golden String and 20% will go to the state Special Olympics.

This is an activity that Father Terry particularly loves, so we’re looking forward to making it a nice collection. He will also announce the collection at the end of Mass.

Council Surpasses Charity Raffle Goals

Congratulations Brother Knights of Council 11369! Our first ticket turn-in was 710 tickets! (Update: tickets were in the hands of the State Council on Wednesday, April 12)

This surpasses the 10-tickets-per-member goal of 700 tickets.

With 710 tickets sold, we have maxed out the program and will eventually receive 90% of the money back. (We pay the state council about 50% of the money now, we’ll get back another 40% in September as a rebate.)

Here’s another goal achieved: 36 members of the council sold tickets. (So far!) The goal was 35. Last year, the number of ticket sellers was 21.

If you still have tickets, buy or sell them! The FINAL turn-in is at the Wednesday May 3rd meeting at St Paul in Ellsworth.

Hats off and pats on the back to all our hard-working Knights for such a great accomplishment. And, as always, the money goes to the great charities we work for.

TICKET TURN-IN: Wednesday’s the Day

We hope our Brother Knights are selling their 2017 Knights of Columbus Ohio State Council Cash Bonanza Raffle tickets! The ticket and cash turn-in is before or during the April 5th 7:30 meeting, this coming Wednesday at St Michael Church Hall.

You can also call Jim K at 330 507-7427 to turn in your ticket stubs and money. And, you can place them in the K of C mailbox at church; it’s located in the small room across from the entrance to the St Michael offices.

If a Brother Knight needs more tickets, send an email.

The monies must all be used for charitable purposes. Last year, we purchased Christmas hams and gave back to St Michael in Canfield and St Paul in Ellsworth, among other charitable endeavors.

As a council, we sold 800 tickets last year; that brought $3468.50 to the council. That means $4.34 of each $5 ticket came back to the council; an 86.7% return.

In addition to selling 800 tickets again this year, we’d like to see half of our 70 members sell at least 5 tickets each. This is truly a group effort by our council.

See you Wednesday, April 5th, 2017, at St. Michael Church Hall where I hope we can make our goal of 800 tickets sold! Rosary starts at 7:15; the business meeting at 7:30.

We will have an update on ticket sales here on the website a few days after the meeting.

Raffle Tickets Coming Soon

Council 11369 will be receiving its allotment of Super Cash Bonanza raffle tickets soon. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year.

Members will each receive tickets from that allotment to purchase, sell, or sell during sales opportunities at St Michael Parish and at the St Paul Monastery.

Our goal is to top last year’s total of 800 tickets sold. But a more important goal is to have as many Knights as possible sell tickets, since this is a group effort. I would like to see 35 of our 70 members sell at least 2 tickets this year.

Our council netted $3468.50 from this fundraiser last year. That’s $4.34 from each $5 ticket sold.

District Hoops Champs Head to Regional Meet

Council 11369-Father Francis X. Borrano, Canfield, Ohio and Council 13466-St. Joseph the Provider,
Campbell, Ohio conducted a “Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship”.

Members of the Canfield Council gathered on Saturday morning February 11, 2017, at the Canfield Middle School to organize, sign-up and officiate 26 boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 14 for the basketball free
throw competition.

Students were separated by age with each entrant given the opportunity to shoot 15 free throws from the 12’ line or the 15’ line depending on age.

The winners of each age group advanced to compete with winners from Council 13466 who also conducted their council competition February 11th in Campbell, Ohio.

The champions from the Campbell Council competed with the champions of the Canfield Council for the District Championship on Sunday February 12, 2017 in Campbell.

The District Champions will move on to the February 25th Regional Championship in Garrettsville, Ohio.

Council 11369 wants to express their deep appreciation and thanks to the principals of each school for
helping to publicize this event.

And a special thanks to Mr. Jim Harmon and the staff at the Canfield Middle School for their cooperation in use of the gym.

Thank You also to the families that brought their children to this event.

The Canfield Council Champions were:
Age group 9- Girls, Lauren Padgett and Boys, Amir Ali,
Age group 10- None,
Age group 11- Girls, Haydyn Merritt and Boys, Brady Wilson
Age group 12- Girls, Delaney O’Brien and Boys, Zane Muckleroy
Age group 13- Girls, Ally Wilson and Boys, Harry Caelan Slaven
Age group 14- None.

Council Free Throw is February 11

The Council 11369 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship will be on Saturday, Feb. 11 at Canfield Middle School.

The competition is open to all girls and boys ages 9 thru 14. Age is determined as of Jan. 1, 2017.

Champions in each age bracket will advance to the district championship. It will be held the next day, Feb. 12, 2017 at the gym at St. Joseph the Provider Church in Campbell. The church is at 633 Porter St. in Campbell.

District champs will advance to the Regional Championship in Garrettsville on Feb. 25.

Regional champs advance to the State Championship in Columbus on March 18th.

Ages 9, 10, 11 shoot from a 12 foot foul line. Ages 12, 13, 14 shoot from the normal 15 foot foul line.

Each contestant receives 3 warm-up tosses followed by 15 consecutive free throw attempts. Tie breakers are 5 free throws, no warm-ups.

Call Pete for more info at 330 547-9119.

Free Throw History

Since 1972, councils have sponsored the Knights of Columbus International Free Throw Championship for boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 14.

The championship is set up to have the contestants compete within their own gender and age group. All competition starts at the local level. Winners move on to the district, regional, and state or provincial levels. From there, some make it to the international level for championship competition in their group.

Council 11369 Kicks Off 2017 on January 4

Knights of Columbus Council 11369 has its first meeting of the new year on January 4th.

The meeting is at 7:30 p.m. at the St. Paul Monastery Conference Room on Route 224 in Ellsworth Twp.

Rosary will be said at 7:15.

We will discuss some of the early season events and fundraisers for the council, including the Cash Bonanza Raffle and Measure Up campaign.

See you there!

Council Thanks Those Who Gave to Food Drive

Canfield, OH, November 8, 2016– Thanks to the Canfield families who put bags of groceries and other items on their porches to be picked up on Saturday, November 5, 2016 for the annual Andy Skrobola Memorial Holiday Food Drive.  The food was collected from 12 noon to 2:00 p.m.

The food was taken to St. Paul Monastery in Ellsworth Twp. to be sorted, inventoried and placed into boxes that will be distributed to over 60 families totaling over 200 individuals.  There should be enough food to last a month for each family.

All this was accomplished by the combined efforts of the Knights of Columbus, Canfield Lions, Canfield Community Care Net, Canfield Rotary and the Canfield High School LEOS clubs.  The effort was helped by a number of community members who gave of their time to pick up and sort food at St. Paul.

Food is going to be distributed the Saturdays before Thanksgiving and Christmas along with turkeys and hams.  In addition, families will receive food vouchers to Rulli Brothers and gift cards to Penney’s to buy clothes and toys.

Many thanks to those individuals who sent in donations of money.

And special thanks to Jim Skrobola for coming in during the week and organizing the food.

The amount of food that was donated this year is less than in previous years.  If you forgot to put out bags of food, we are accepting donations at both Canfield Fire Stations up to Thanksgiving. We are also accepting donations of money.  Please make checks out to the Canfield Lions Club and send to Phil Bova , 311 Chapel Lane, Canfield, Ohio 44406.


(Press release from the Andy Skrobola Memorial Food Drive Committee)