All posts by Jim K

60 Families Benefit from Knights Food Drive

Thanks to all the Knights of Columbus members who have participated in the annual Andy Skrobola Memorial Food Drive so far. We had great Knights participation when the food was handed out.

As a result of all our work, 60 local families had a nice Thanksgiving. The Canfield Lions Club and its associated LEOs organization based at Canfield High School, Knights of Columbus Council 11369, the Canfield Rotary Club, Canfield Community Care Net and the Cardinal Joint Fire District combine for this annual Thanksgiving and Christmas effort.

60 large boxes of food were handed out at St. Paul Monastery in Ellsworth Twp. on Nov. 18. Each box contained 40 items from canned goods to boxed food and paper products. 174 people were served.

60 frozen turkeys purchased by the Canfield Lions Club were also given to the families. The Canfield Rotary Club provided 40 coats to needy individuals. Canfield Community Care Net gave gift cards for food and clothing.

Families with children are also being taken to the mall to shop for clothes and toys. This is an effort by the Lions Club and Cardinal Joint Fire District.

Filled food bags can still be dropped off at any of the three Canfield fire stations for a similar Christmas campaign.

Andy Skrobola Food Drive Underway

The annual Andy Skrobola Memorial Food Drive is underway. Knights of Columbus Council 11369 along with the Canfield Lions Club and its associated Leos organization based at Canfield High School, the Canfield Rotary Club and Canfield Community CareNet combine for this annual Thanksgiving and Christmas effort.

Canfield city and township residents who received paper grocery bags on their doorsteps filled them with non-perishable food items. Our Leos members picked them up in the city on Saturday, November 4, while township residents brought the food to one of the three Cardinal Joint Fire District fire stations.

50 to 80 local families will benefit from the food drive, with the Lions Club providing Thanksgiving turkeys, the Knights supplying Christmas hams, Rotary with warm winter coats, and Community CareNet with grocery coupons for perishable food items.

Council Passes Out Pop at St Michael Picnic

The annual St Michael Parish Picnic was Oct. 1.

Once again this year, K of C 11369 passed out free pop and water to everyone attending.

We went through nearly all 30 2-litre bottles of pop as well as about 150 small bottles of water.

Brother Knight Mark Curtis headed up this activity.

And special thanks to Soon-to-be-Brother Don Kutsko for helping out the entire 3 hours.

Congrats to 5 Winners in 11369 Soccer Challenge

The Champs of the Council 11369 Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge held Saturday September 9th are:

Age 9:

  • girls: Alexandra Pappalardo
  • boys: Ryan Dangol

Age 10:

  • girls: Emelina Pappalardo
  • boys: Jason Dangol

Age 13:

  • boys: Dominic Palma

Here’s how the competition worked: high score after 15 kicks at an undefended goal split into 5 scoring zones from 12 yards away from the goal.

20 points were awarded for two upper corners, 10 points for two lower corners and 5 points for middle portion of the goal.

Thanks to Dan Pappalardo and Knights Mark Curtis and Vic Buente for making the event a success.

Champions advance to the Diocese of Youngstown regional competition.

GK Adds Committee Chairs to Head Activities

At the August council meeting, Grand Knight Miros Maszczak appointed chairmen for each of the committees that coordinate our regular activities.

These are the committees: Church, Council, Community, Family, Youth and Culture of Life. Activities are reported to the state; in each committee, there are two mandatory activities to be completed each fraternal year.

GK Maszczak announcing that making Star Council is a goal for the 2017-2018 year.

2017 Council Picnic is August 11

The annual Knights of Columbus picnic will be on Friday, August 11, 2017 at the Chestnut Hill pavilion at Mill Creek Park starting at 5 p.m.

The council will provide burgers, sausage sandwiches and corn on the cob; please bring a dessert or other food item.

We will eat at 5 p.m. as we are to vacate the shelter by about 7:30.

If you can attend, please email Miros Masczcak.

K of C to Lend Hand with Lobster Feast


The 2nd annual Lobster Feast at St Michael Parish.

Date, Time and Place

August 19th at 5:30 at St Michael Family Life Center.


The goal is to sell 300. The office at St. Michael’s has 100 tickets. Brother Pete, Brother Ernie, Brother Ron, Brother Jim R., Brother Chuck and Brother Vic all have tickets for sale.

If any Brother Knight knows of anyone who would like to buy tickets, or who would like to be a sponsor, let us know.


We need “all hands on deck” for this event. Brother Chuck may need help in the kitchen, Brother Ron may need help at the bar, and Brother Vic may need help at the door.

We DEFINITELY need help with setup and clean-up. Let us know. We need you!


We need to get the word out. We plan to advertise through Living Bread Radio and the Town Crier.

We have posters up in our Church and other Churches. If any Brother Knight knows of businesses or other facilities where we can put up our posters, contact Brother Ernie.



Measure Up Campaign Turn-In: $926

K of C Council 11369 had a very successful Measure Up campaign for 2017.

We recently turned in $926.00 to the campaign.

That includes $811.00 from our St Michael Parish campaign as well as $115.00 from the “Gimme Five” campaign.

“Gimme Five” is conducted as part of the dues program at the beginning of the year.

80% of the total ($740.80) will go to Golden String, the non-profit that provides entertainment and activities for the adult developmentally disabled population.

20% ($185.20) will go to the state Special Olympics.

Thanks to all for their hard work in this campaign.

And thanks to St Michael parishioners for being so generous, as always.

36 Members Sell Total of 821 Raffle Tickets

Another successful state Cash Bonanza Charity Raffle has come to an end for Council 11369.

We sold 821 tickets this year! We surpassed the goal of 10 tickets per member, or 700.

That also tops last year’s total of 800. The record is 2015 with 919 tickets sold.

Our first turn-in was 710 tickets. The recent, final turn-in was 111.

More importantly, the goal of getting more council members involved was a success! 36 members sold tickets for this campaign. Last year, that number was 21.

A final campaign report (minus the rebate check, which won’t arrive until August or September) will be presented at the June 7th meeting at St Michael Church Hall.