Insurance Corner

April 2024 Council Meeting Message

We spend six weeks each year during Lent fasting, praying and almsgiving. We hope to unite our fasting and praying with Jesus’ 40 days of fasting and praying in the desert, to focus on preparing both our innerand outer selves to celebrate the great Easter feast. We give alms to identify with that great sacrifice of God giving His only begotten Son. With Easter on March 31 this year, I hope this finds that you had a very blessed celebration of this central Christian feast! Easter certainly brings thoughts of newness and renewal.

We hope our fasting, praying and almsgiving renews our closeness to God.

As Spring settles in, I observe the many rituals of the season. I think of newness and renewal. Outside beds are prepared for new planting. I see the new blossoms on trees and flowers reaching full bloom, lengthening of daylight, and a rush of sounds and sights not seen for many months. Schoolchildren begin to count down the days to summer vacation. Parents do the same counting down…perhaps without the joy of the children!

Spring seems to elicit looking forward.

As I look forward this Spring, I am renewed in my mission to meet with my members. I want to keep you apprised of any changes you might want to consider in your insurance program. I hope you will keep me apprised of any changes in your circumstances. Adjustments can be made to make sure that you are on the path to reach your goals. The Order offers a diverse array of products and services to help you do that. Together we can complete or
update your financial needs analysis. This can show where you stand and helps discover any gaps in protection you might have. Our products: life insurance, retirement annuities, long-term care insurance and disability income insurance, are our core products to help protect you and your family.

I’ll call on you soon to see if it makes sense to arrange for a meeting.

Vivat Jesus!

March 2024 Council Meeting Message

Happy Easter! Easter is the very end of March, the 31st, so I will take this time to hope you
conclude your Lenten observances with a celebration of the Resurrection!

March is Ethics Awareness Month for the insurance industry. Oxford Languages defines ethics as “moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity” In many professions there is an ethical code that practitioners are to observe. In medicine, we’ve boiled down the Hippocratic oath to, “First, do no harm.” Attorneys have the American Bar  Association’s “Model Rules of Professional Conduct.” In psychology there are codes of conduct for both treatment and for research.

The insurance industry is no different. Here at the Knights of Columbus I think all members are
familiar with our founding principles: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. These have been ingrained in us.

However, there are also four Core Values that all who represent the Knights subscribe to. By “represent the Knights” we include Supreme Officers, employees, independent contractors like me, and other vendors and contractors who are expected to live up to our four Core Values.

From our Code of Ethics and Conduct handbook the Core Values are these:

Integrity: Firm adherence to ethics, honesty, and a moral code.
Professionalism: Promoting the highest standards in all we do.
Excellence: Leading by example and constantly striving to be the best.
Respect: Treating each other with the highest regard.

I consider it an honor to be assigned to serve your council and I take seriously my responsibility to care for each of you members. Furthering Blessed Michael McGivney’s vision of caring for the
widow and orphan is my goal. I hope to always live up these Core Values in all my work with the council and with each and every one of you.
Vivat  Jesus!

February 2024 Council Meeting Message

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I’ve been reading about different kinds of parties to throw to celebrate Valentine’s Day. One site online listed 35 different suggestions, from a Fondue Night to a party centered on serving a heart shaped pizza. I guess Valentine’s Day is another well-established holiday to celebrate and I’m also guessing that the greeting card industry is happy. (The candy companies and florists are right there with the greeting card industry.) From individual cards that adults send each other to the packs designed for school kids to give to classmates, the stores are stocked with a myriad of selections.

The celebration of love is always popular After all, isn’t love what every holiday celebration is about?

Whether it’s a birthday, wedding anniversary, or holiday, it’s all about love! Valentine’s Day, though, sees love get a spotlight. We celebrate our love for another.

Insurance is all about love. Most people buy insurance because they love someone. A husband buys life insurance because he loves his wife and children. If he’s not there to provide for them he wants to make sure they can stay in the same home, enjoy the same lifestyle, provide a college education for his children.

With many two income families, wives buy life insurance for the same reasons.
Long Term Care Insurance and Disability Income Insurance help protect the family from the vagaries of life: Needing care in the home or in a long-term care facility or being hurt or sick and unable to work affects the family. These products help protect the family one loves.

Even our retirement annuity products help the ones we love. With forward thinking and fiscal discipline, a retirement annuity helps spouses spend their retirement years knowing they can have a guaranteed lifetime income. Less worries for the ones we love.

All the products we have available are centered around protection; protecting the ones we love. Is your protection where you want it to be for your loved ones? Let’s meet and discuss what you want. I’ll give you a call or feel free to contact me.

Vivat Jesus!

Council Meeting Message January 2024

Happy New Year! I hope all of you had a joyous and merry Christmas.

All of us start the new year afresh. We make resolutions. Let’s plan now to look back at the end of 2024 and be able to say, “I kept those resolutions to improve myself, to improve my relationship with my family and friends, and my relationship with God!” An improved prayer life is the goal of many. I know I’ve made that resolution almost every year. Some years I do better than others.

But here are few things I’ve found about making resolutions that helped me.

First, I don’t want to make a resolution that is not possible to keep. I’ve got to be realistic. I can’t go to an extreme. For example, to improve my prayer life, I can’t go from praying for 15 minutes in the morning to reading a chapter of the Bible, attending daily Mass, reciting the rosary, and saying the Liturgy of the Hours each day. For me, that’s too much of a jump. I’m going to follow that for a day or two and then something will get me off track. Myself, I need to take baby steps.

Maybe start with saying the rosary each day. I’ve got to make my resolution achievable.

The same is true of all those other resolutions we make.

I can’t go from being a couch potato to running six miles a day…but I could start by walking a mile each day as an achievable step in that direction.

I can’t starve myself trying to lose weight…but I could cut out snacks between meals as a start. Again, an achievable step.

I might want to read more, so I can start by reading a chapter a day in a book.

You get the idea. The resolution has to be reasonable, achievable, and specific.

Now here is one resolution that is reasonable, achievable, and specific: Resolve to meet with me to update the information on your family’s financial needs analysis. (Or maybe you need to complete a financial needs analysis.) Let’s see where you stand. Your financial health is critical to your family’s future security. As yourfield agent I’m charged to meet with each of my members each year. We can take a look at your goals and aspirations and make sure you’re on track to keep your family appropriately protected.

I’ll contact you soon to see if an appointment should be our next step.

Vivat Jesus!

Council Meeting Message December 2023
As we approach the end of the year, and our thoughts turn to the angelic declaration of “Peace on Earth” and “Goodwill to Men!” We remember Pope Francis’ Prayer for Peace where he prays “Lord God of peace, hear our prayer!… Keep alive within us the flame of hope, so that with patience and perseverance we may opt for dialogue and reconciliation. In this way may peace triumph at last…”
In our lives there is much going on: scurrying around buying a Christmas tree, getting it decorated; looking for that perfect gift for our spouse, our kids and maybe grandkids. There are parties and school Christmas shows. Seems like we’re busier than ever.
But let me ask you to slow down for just a few minutes and consider some financial issues that come up at the end of the calendar year.
1. Because we’re so late in the year, you may have met your individual or family deductible on your health insurance plan. Financially this may be the opportune time for some minor procedure to be scheduled; or that visit to a specialist you may have put off. The same is true about dental insurance and sometimes even for vision coverage. Check with your Human Resource office or your health insurance carrier for details.
2. When it comes to health insurance, do you have a Health Savings Account? Do you have to spend the money that’s in there by year end? Some plans have a “use it or lose it” feature. Do you have to make a decision about how much to contribute next year? These are a couple of time sensitive issues. Again, make sure you check with your HR office or health insurance carrier.
3. If you have earned income for the year, will you contribute to a traditional IRA, Roth IRA, or 401k? Are you eligible to contribute more based on the “catch up” provision? Now is the time to start making plans.
4. Speaking of IRAs, have you received your required minimum distribution for this year? If not, the Internal Revenue Service penalty is a hefty 50% of the amount you should have received!
All of these issues come with rules and regulations, and each individual situation is different. I’d be happy to discuss them with you.
As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, let us be thankful for all the graces God has showered on us, especially the gift of his Son, our Savior!
Vivat Jesus!

Council Meeting Message November 2023

Top 10 Facts to Know About Long-Term Care Planning
November is National Long-Term Care Awareness Month, an event recognized by Congress and a number of States. To mark the occasion, here are ten interesting facts shared by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance.
# 1 – Americans are living longer, in large part due to advances in medical care and public health. Life expectancy in the US for those reaching 65 was 20 years on average in 2019.
# 2 – By 2030, one in five residents in the US will be age 65 or older.
# 3 – The number of people in need of long-term support services (LTSS) in the United States is already at 14 million and expected to grow to 27 million by 2050.
# 4 – Average out-of-pocket costs are $140,000 for those individuals who utilize paid long term support services (LTSS). 17 percent will spend over $100,000 on LTSS. Almost 9 percent will spend over $250,000 on LTSS.
# 5 – By 2040, the total prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias in the US is expected to approximately double from 7.2 million to nearly 13 million, with 8.5 million women and 4.5 million men expected to develop dementia.
# 6 – For those requiring high levels of LTSS, individuals and families pay 55 percent of long-term care costs out of pocket.
# 7 – Currently, the majority of older single-person households are female. Women comprised 74 percent of solo households age 80 and over.
# 8 – Some 7.5 million Americans have some form of long-term care insurance. Two-thirds of all new individual long-term care insurance claims pay for care needed by women.
# 9 – The long-term care insurance industry paid out $11 billion in benefits to some 310,000 individuals with insurance protection in 2019. The number will increase each year as the current number of policyholders grow older and, as a result, are more likely to begin their claim.
# 10 – 69.5 percent of new claims start after the policyholder reached age 80. If you live a long life, you are very likely to need long term care. You will be very glad you have a policy to pay benefits.

Contact me today to learn more about the Knights of Columbus Long Term Care products.

Vivat Jesus

Council Meeting Message October 2023
Think you are too old for coverage? Maybe not

You are never too young or too old to consider purchasing life insurance. If you have a financial need for coverage, or will in the future, a permanent life insurance policy can be just the thing you need.
When you are young and presumably healthy, coverage will be very inexpensive when compared to purchasing the same policies when you are older.
If you’ve put off purchasing coverage, or you realize that you may need additional insurance, the Order may still be able to help you, even if other companies cannot. In fact, in 2012, the issue age of our permanent life insurance products was extended to age 80. Naturally, your health, and whether or not you smoke, will be taken into consideration, so underwriting standards for risk and age apply.
This change came in response to a question I’ve heard before: “My wife and I are almost 80, do the Knights offer anything to take care of our final expenses?” And it can also help the members who thought they were “too old” to attain our coverage.
This extension of our coverage ages allows me to help members I couldn’t help before. I look forward to discussing coverage with you. Please schedule an appointment with me today.

Vivat Jesus

Council Meeting Message September 2023
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. It’s the one month each year that the life insurance industry coordinates a campaign aimed at educating folks about the importance of life insurance and helping them get the coverage they need.
Christopher Kauffman, the historian, spent several years at the Supreme Office and at the Museum, researching the book that he wrote on the 100th anniversary of our founding. That book, Faith and Fraternalism, notes on page 35, “…he [Fr. McGivney again] spent his energy in promoting the insurance feature…his emphasis on business was his pastoral concern for the social and financial security of the family.”
Fr. McGivney lived both the social and the financial insecurity of a desperate family, with the breadwinner suddenly taken, that had to be supported. He left the seminary to work and support his mother and siblings.  As a pastor, he didn’t want other Catholic families to find themselves in such a predicament. That, and uniting men of faith, was the impetus for establishing our Order. Everyone who joined in those first years was insured; that was
part and parcel of being in the organization. Now every member has a choice. I’d like every member to know what we do, and how we do it. Here’s the process I use when I meet with families:
1. Discover – Identify their current insurance situation and financial goals.
2. Gather Data – Collect facts & figures based on their current situation
3. Analyze – Conduct an Insurance Needs Analysis (Input data, run calculations, identify shortfalls)
4. Recommend – Propose appropriate KofC products to help them meet their needs and goals
5. Implement – Work with them to implement the product solution they select (take the application, etc.)
6. Periodic Review – Review regularly (at least annually) for changes in their needs and goals and make appropriate recommendations based on those changes
This is a painless process. But it can help any family, at any age, determine if they have blind spots in their coverage. It can help you avoid the pain of being underinsured. With a variety of life insurance products we offer, we can help find solutions that fit within almost any budget.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to buy life insurance…I want to buy what life insurance can provide: protection from the risk of a significant change in lifestyle for the survivors, including not being able to stay in the house where they want to be of not being able to give your daughter the wedding she’s been promised, or a child the college education he or she has been promised and much more. What does life insurance provide? Peace of mind.
That’s where I can help.
Vivat Jesus

Council Meeting Message August 2023

I was watching television the other day and saw an advertisement with the theme “Shop Local.” The ad touted the many benefits of putting your dollars to work with businesses that are owned and operated by those folks who live and work right in your community. In addition to supporting the local neighborhood and community, the ad pointed to the personal service and the unique products one can find locally. Big box stores are great, they are convenient and provide goods at competitive prices. But many products are uniform; you can get the same thing at many other places. Their service is sometimes wanting; I can remember wandering in a big box retailer looking for help. However, when I shop at some of my favorite local spots, I always get a genuine greeting, personal help and the feeling that they really appreciate me being there and supporting them.

All this got me thinking about our local councils. The Order is doing great things in countries far and wide. We have big ideas, big plans…and they are important and have tremendous impact on making our world better. But on a local level you members are the face of the Knights of Columbus. When our local Catholic community thinks of the Knights of Columbus, I’m sure it is you members who come to mind. Our Catholic community sees all the good works you do locally. They see you volunteering to help at parish events, supporting your pastor in his needs. Local folks see you handing out coats for kids, holding fundraisers to help local families, taking the lead at sacramental events, visiting the homebound. For the Catholics in the council and in the parish—you, my Brother Knights…you, are the Knights of Columbus. You represent all that is good in our Order. When you lead with faith, protect your family, serve others and defend your values, you are a witness inspired by our founding principles.

Our Supreme Convention in Orlando, Florida, highlighted many of the accomplishments from the previous fraternal year. I think we can all be justly proud of the difference the Knights of Columbus makes. Thank you for all you do! I want to congratulate you on your contribution to the Order’s success and especially for the impact you in this council have had on the local Catholic community!

Vivat Jesus.

Council Meeting Message July 2023

I always think of July as being the midpoint of the summer. I hope your summer is going well and you’re getting to enjoy it. Summer vacations, kids out of school, lots of outdoor sports, tending flowers and vegetable gardens. Seems like there is so much more to keep up with than during the winter. Maybe that’s what makes it seem like summer goes so fast and winter drags on. Summer will be gone before you know it!

For this month a couple of thoughts come to mind. A case that came up recently had to do with the ownership of life insurance policies. If you have policies on dependent children, it’s wise to have a contingent owner listed. A parent is most often the owner of the child’s policy, but often there is no provision made on the policy should that parent pass away. Having a contingent owner listed in this situation makes for a smooth transition of ownership. That’s one of the many things I can help with when I review policies for you.

Fraternal benefits come with being a member of the Order. One of these fraternal benefits is known as the Spouse’s Right to Apply. This benefit is spelled out in each of our insurance contracts and provides a widow with the right to apply for any of our products for up to one year after her husband’s death so long as he was an insured member at the time of his death. It’s another good reason to become an insured member with the Order. It gives that right to your spouse. One of the advantages of meeting with me is to review just these kinds of situations. I hope to put your mind at ease.

There are many more fraternal benefits. When I meet with a member and his spouse, I try to make sure I explain all of them that are pertinent. This is all in addition to our financial needs analysis tool that can help determine needs. I think this analysis and the insurance products we offer are two of the most worthwhile benefits the Order provides. This is a robust and cutting-edge platform that is used throughout the life insurance industry. We used to use a much simpler form called the Family Service Record to help keep track of important household information if the need ever presented itself. Now one of the benefits I provide to you and your family is to go through this financial needs analysis and help determine where you are now and where you want to go. Your financial health is critical to your family’s future security. We’ll take a look at your dreams, goals and aspirations and help make sure you’re on track to make them become a reality. As always, there is never any requirement to purchase any product, but a baseline or periodic check-up is a wise idea.

I appreciate the trust you’ve placed in me and the opportunity to serve you! Enjoy the summer!

Vivat Jesus…

Council Meeting Message June 2023

When June rolls around a couple of things come to my mind: grilling and graduations. Now these two things don’t seem to have much in common. In fact, some may say they have nothing at all in common. It simply illustrates how amusingly my mind works.

But let me expound a bit on both. Outdoor grilling comes on full force this time of year. Yes, in the warmer climates, there are those that grill all year round. Even in the colder climates, some make a point of outdoor grilling in the coldest of weather. But for most, June starts that season when the grill is often fired up and all the succulent goodness of charbroiled food is readied for the table. Now let me relate that to graduations: I’ve been to many graduation parties and there always seems to be that one person who is the designated grill master. Flipping hamburgers, turning hot dogs, kielbasa, and sausage, and tenderizing vegetables over an open flame for the celebrants.

How’s that for a segue? From grilling to graduations! The end of the school year means graduations. Some, from the lowest educational levels…all the way to the highest. At whatever level you may fall, or your child may fall, I offer hearty congratulations! Graduating may mean moving up one more grade level or for some who are at the end of the educational journey, it might mean a step into a new career. Or maybe advancing in an already established career. Graduating has as a natural consequence, a moving on, taking the next step. Carefully +preparing for a career, taking stock of talents and newfound knowledge, thinking of the impact your career may have on your family and the greater community; the graduate is ready!

I think of the work I do with my members and their families in the same way: getting you to graduate at the top of your class; well-prepared, knowledgeable, setting a course with impact for your family. Sitting down with me for a consultation starts the preparation. We can take stock of where you are and any recent changes in your situation with our state-of-the-art financial needs analysis program. The end result is to help make sure you and your family are prepared: Prepared for the expected and the unexpected. The expected might be a comfortable retirement with adequate income to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Being prepared for the unexpected is important, too: an untimely loss, an extended care event, a disability. Understanding the impact of having a strategy now is the first step in preparation.

I’ll be calling soon to set up a time to get together a make sure you’re set to graduate at the top of your class!

Vivat Jesus.

Council Meeting Message May 2023

Spring is here, at least by the calendar, and it will soon be summer. Perhaps you’re planning your summer vacation. Maybe you’ve not only planned it, but you’ve already booked your hotel, VRBO®, or Airbnb®. Maybe you’ve gone so far as to purchase plane tickets…or maybe your vacation spot will be within driving distance. You’re already thinking of the clothes you’ll have to pack and those new pieces that you’ll have to buy. You’ve got a little extra cash saved to buy some special souvenirs. You are researching the area and finding the interesting historical sites to visit. Seeing where the fun spots are…checking out the local places to dine. How do you want to plan your week away?

I’ll admit it, I enjoy doing that research, especially when I’m driving. I like looking at maps and seeing what sights there are to see, the historical venues, the local restaurants. I like looking online (and maybe even getting some old-fashioned travel brochures) to check out my travel destination. If I’m driving, I like to pick a route. Not necessarily the fastest on my GPS though. The fastest route often bypasses the interesting sites. (Think historical Route 66 and all the interesting places along that road!) When I’m all done and I’ve got everything laid out, I have a certain sense of accomplishment. I know I’m going to have a good time because I’ve looked at many options and picked the ones that mean the most to me.

I think of working with you, my brother Knights, in much the same way. When I sit down with you and your spouse, we start with a financial needs analysis. We “drop a pin” on your map to show where you are now. We enter a destination of where you want to go. What do you want to see for your family if the unforeseen happens? That might be a situation where one of our products, life insurance, long-term care insurance, disability income insurance, or a retirement annuity, may be needed. Think of that product as the vehicle that gets you or your family farther along to a better place on your financial road map. Much like a vacation, we’ll make stops along the way, take a look “under the hood,” and make sure the strategy is still “running on all cylinders.” There are many options to discuss, even within the different lines of products available, to help you get to where you want to go.

Do you have a strategy? May I have the privilege of helping you and your family develop one or fine tune the one you have? I’ll be calling soon to set up a time to get together to discuss your financial road map.  

Vivat Jesus

Council Meeting Message April 2023

Easter greetings! As we roll through the first full month of spring, we celebrate Easter with thoughts of gratitude for the gift of new life. The Resurrection and thoughts of our Savior’s sacrifice and triumph over death are fresh in our minds and hearts. The dreariness of winter and Lent fade away with April rains that seem to have their own scent. All nature seems in bloom. Trees barren not long ago are now budding and flowers begin to poke through the warming soil. For many, it’s their favorite season of the year.

Along with everything else going on in April, it is also Autism Awareness month. The Autism Speaks website ( contains much more information that I can give you here. Autism has been more widely discussed and better understood in recent years. Although the TV show “The Good Doctor” portrays a doctor who has autism, those with Autism Spectrum Disorder exhibit a broad range of characteristics. Many have much less functionality than the doctor portrayed on the show. I mention this because many of us know of someone who is on this autism spectrum. If diagnosed early in childhood and intervention begun, those with autism may still live a relatively normal life. However, many with autism struggle and have other complicating medical or psychological issues and need much support during their lives.

That’s where the Knights of Columbus Family Fraternal Benefits may be able to help. The Family Fraternal Benefits cover a number of situations. One benefit addresses the child who is older than 60 days and younger than 18 and is uninsurable according to our ordinary underwriting practices. Many children with autism as a primary or secondary diagnosis fall into this category…uninsurable. For those children, the Order has a special family fraternal benefit that allows the issuing of an ordinary permanent life insurance policy on this uninsurable child. Some members may be unaware of this benefit, but it’s great news for any parent with a child who does not qualify for life insurance. There are some other qualifiers for the parents and any other children in the family, including that the father must be a member in good standing in his council. I won’t go into the others here, but this is a very worthwhile benefit, not only for those children with autism, but for any child who may be uninsurable.

If you know of a Catholic family that may have a child with autism or any family with a child who is uninsurable, please reach out to me. They may be unaware of this benefit. I will be happy to contact them explain this valuable protection that is available. If you prefer, give my name and contact information to that parent so they can contact me at their convenience. As always, there is never any requirement to purchase any product, but a consultation about this benefit may bring them some small comfort.

As always, thank you for the opportunity to serve you, my members. Enjoy your spring!

Vivat Jesus

Council Meeting Message March 2023

March this year, to me, means Spring and Spring cleaning, Lent and preparing for Easter, and the day when we’re all a little bit Irish, St. Patrick’s Day. Let me start with St. Patrick’s Day. It’s a nice break from the doldrums of winter and a brief respite from Lenten preparation. To all of my members, Irish or not, I say “Sláinte!”

This year we’re immersed in Lent for the entire month as we look forward to Easter on April 9. This is a time of renewal and preparation for Holy Week, Christ’s Passion, and his conquest over death in the Resurrection. May your focus be on generous giving and spreading peace to everyone you encounter.

Spring…we’ve been through the toughest part of winter, and we begin to think about Spring. And Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal: trees may begin to bud, and flowers begin to poke through in search of warmer temperatures. The Spring equinox means that daylight lasts as long as night with the earth spinning toward that summer solstice. Maybe, just maybe, winter is behind us. While you’re getting rid of all the old cobwebs of winter and doing the annual spring cleaning, now is a great time to take a fresh look at your family’s financial security.

With a wide range of products—life insurance, long-term care insurance, disability income insurance and retirement annuities, I can help you look at your family’s financial situation now and for the years to come. All this while you deal with a company that shares your faith and beliefs and invests in accordance with Church social teaching.

As your Knights of Columbus Field Agent, I’ve been trained to help you through that important process. Sit down for a short meeting with me and we can use our newest and most advanced financial needs analysis platform that the Order has ever had. I’ll take the time to gather information from you, ask about your wants, needs and desires, and put together any recommendations to help you meet those. As always, you’re under no obligation.

I’ll contact you soon to see if an appointment should be our next step.

Vivat Jesus!